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  1. What are the Top 5 things Employers look for in a Nurse Practitioner/medical person?

    1. Teamwork, Compassion, Patience, Determination, and Work Ethic


Reflection: I totally agree with the things listed above, because these are small details that build up on each other.

  1. How would you handle an emergency situation?

    1. Evaluate the situation leveled headly without panicking, gather as much information and background knowledge on the situation as possible, and act as quickly and as efficiently as possible to resolve the issue.

Reflection: I feel like this is an understandable statement, however I feel like we need to make the patient feel like home.

  1. What are some of your strengths and weaknesses?

    1. Strengths: Willingness to learn, communications skills, patience, empathy, adaptability, and problem solving skills

    2. Weaknesses: Visual learner, a lot of room for improvement, inflexible schedule, and workaholic

reflection : i agree because sometimes we aren’t good at everything even when its the most basic thing.

  1. What are your ultimate career goals?

    1. To be able to use my knowledge about medicine and the medical field to help improve the lives of other people allowing them to live happier and healthier lives with their loved ones. 

  2. How would you approach an agitated patient?

    1. I would first try anything I can to talk them down and alieving any agitation in the patient which would treat a more peaceful environment to be able to actually treat the patient as well as allowing them to put down their walls and see that you’re only trying to help not harm.

Reflection: it’s always the best idea of the patient to calm down and not when their angry 

  1. What would you do if you worked with a colleague who ignored safety guidelines?

    1. I would pull the colleague aside away from the rest of the people in the environment and have a one-on-one talk with them. I would ask for their reasoning on why they are doing what they are doing and also kindly remind them that these safety guidelines are in place to help create a safe and stable environment for the medical workers as well as our patients thus it’s extremely important to abide by them to make our lives easier to continue giving treatment.

Reflection: if pulling them aside doesn't help; then i would talk to the higher up; for safely 

  1. What procedures do you employ to prevent the spread of germs?

    1. Washing hands after anything situation in which you come into contact with another person who may be sick or even yourself and/or any highly contaminating environment, coughing/sneezing into elbows or tissues instead of in the open, avoiding directly touching overly populated areas such as door handles, railing, and etc, and wear a mask covering when in a medical environment with sick patients or while visiting sick patients. 

Reflection: these are all important because making sure you're preventing these viruses from yourself will help prevent patients from getting sick too. 

  1. How would you approach treating confused elderly patients?

    1. Approach them with compassion and understanding to create a welcoming and peaceful aura that allows them to not put walls up. Speak kindly and calmingly to them to establish a sense of safety and security in your approach to them. Also, maintain small talk and empathy while treating them to gear their mind away from the actual treatment and more with the person trying to help aid them to feel better rather than just being another medical worker trying to get their job done and over with. 

Reflection: it’s really important to be patience with geriatrics

  1. Do you feel that communication is an important skill in your practice?

    1. Communication is an extremely important skill in the medical field whether with your colleague or with patients. Communication allows for better understanding, and clarity, avoiding miscommunication or any other unnecessary issues, and helps maintain a secure and stable environment to make our jobs of providing treatment easier and quicker.

This is a great response, and i really agree, because if you can not communicate; medical field might not be your job (speaking in general)

  1. How do you handle the pressure?

    1. It’s always best to stay calm and collected in very pressured environments to establish a level head and clear thinking by overreacting one will only make the situation harder on themselves and overwhelm the situation as a whole. By trying to detach yourself from the present issue at hand, you're usually able to focus more on figuring out the problem and being able to resolve the problem as quickly and safely as possible for everyone involved. 

Reflection: I feel like I can't relate to this because everyone is different: but mostly because I have a hard time understanding myself or what to do when these problems come around.

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